“Dear Dreamer… you are one of a kind.
You are a piece of the cosmic puzzle with your own very special space and purpose that nobody else can fill. You don’t need permission to be you - all of you: your strengths, your weaknesses, your quirks, and your secrets.”
The prompt to write something to the world, starting with “Dear Dreamer…” came from a writer I follow,
on her monthly Find Your Tribe post. I love the idea of bringing like minded writers together to find followers and others to follow. Even more, though, I love her prompts for us each month.This month’s prompt in particular spoke to me and what I do in my writing and coaching - help you to remember who you are and all your amazing potential.
The media, now more than ever, influences not only what we buy, how we dress, what we eat, and how we decorate our homes, but WHO WE ARE (supposed to be).
It’s distressing not only because we are fed unrealistic ideas of what’s normal and expected, but we are often degraded and shamed when we don’t meet others’ standards.
The simple reality is that I am me. You are you. I can only be successful if I strive to be the best me and the same goes for you being the best you. If you measure yourself against my God-given gifts, we both lose.
You lose because you’re not sharing your beautiful gifts and you can only (at best) be a second-rate me rather than a first-rate you.
I lose because I don’t get to appreciate and share in your amazing gifts.
Whether it’s what to wear or what to think, we need to look inside rather than outside to find what’s right for each of us, and then, Dear Dreamer, celebrate ourselves and everyone for all of our uniqueness.
Share something unique about yourself or something others might be surprised at about you! Your gifts and talents are amazing and the world needs to know about them.
NEW! Your Hearts Courage Human Design Report
Living with purpose and following your heart are more important than ever in our world of influencers and talking heads telling you how you should live and what you should do to be happy and fulfilled.
In this free report we will explore the tools that will show you where you are holding yourself back and how to overcome those blocks to living in your unique authentic energy.