What is Your Un-lived Life?
What have you done with your life… what haven’t you done? And what are you going to do next?
I miss traveling. For me, hopping on a plane and going somewhere new to explore alone is one of the best experiences. I emphasize ‘alone’ because I need to unplug from the world sometimes, and the best way to do that is to go into hermit mode. Traveling alone allows me to just ‘be’ with no expectations, no other responsibilities.
There are still two continents I haven’t visited. In fact, I haven’t gone anywhere outside my home state in 5 years. Partly due to events outside my control (thank you 2020-2023 travel restrictions), but more recently due to a shift in priorities. (Or so I’ve told myself).
It’s the new year and everywhere are signs and prompts to shed the old and take in the new. It’s a time for vision boards and goals lists. It’s time to do big things!
We often justify our circumstances by retelling the stories of all we’ve accomplished, yet we still feel like something’s missing. (Though we never tell that part of the story!)
You have a great job. Your family is healthy and well cared for. What more could you possibly need or want? That’s what you tell everyone… and yourself.
But there is more. What’s missing? What haven’t you done that’s been eating at you?
This isn’t about wanting to be like so-and-so. It isn’t about keeping up with the Joneses. It’s not about ticking off a bucket list.
It's about that aching inside you to experience all that you haven’t let yourself do.
This is about the un-lived life that is waiting for you.
You’ve always wanted to:
…write and publish a book.
…visit Macchu Picchu.
…start a business (or three).
…get a tattoo (or five).
…ride in a helicopter (and shoot targets from the air)
…run a marathon.
…climb a 4000 ft mountain.
…drive across the country (a couple of times).
…snorkel the Great Barrier Reef.
Doing these things isn’t always about planning or setting goals. It’s often about just “allowing” them to happen.
Sometimes the best things in life aren’t planned. Being open to amazing things, trusting your heart, and having a little courage to move forward can bring a world of amazing experiences!
Back to the list…
I’ve done all except one of the items on the list above. Only one of the items was an actual bucket list item of mine. The others happened because an opportunity arose and I allowed it to move forward instead of explaining why I couldn't do it. The one I haven’t done, while on many people’s goal lists, is not on mine and likely never will be. (Care to guess which one I haven’t done?)
What’s holding you back from doing all the things? What’s your reason, what’s your excuse?
Is there something in your heart you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t yet? Share it here! Put it out here and let the universe know you’re ready for it.
If you’d like some insight on what’s holding you back, what habits you’re holding onto that are keeping you from doing all the things your heart desires, grab your free Heart's Courage Human Design report and open your heart to the possibilities that await you!