Listen now | Welcome to this week’s episode of Intuitive Living with Suzanne. This week is about listening to your gut and your heart… and following your intuition despite the temptations that arise to find “security” in life. I’m going to tell you a little of my story and how I’ve seen first-hand how following my heart led me through some of the best times of my life, and in hindsight, what happened when I opted for a false sense of “security”.
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Listening to Your Gut and Your Heart
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Listen now | Welcome to this week’s episode of Intuitive Living with Suzanne. This week is about listening to your gut and your heart… and following your intuition despite the temptations that arise to find “security” in life. I’m going to tell you a little of my story and how I’ve seen first-hand how following my heart led me through some of the best times of my life, and in hindsight, what happened when I opted for a false sense of “security”.